I want a refund

Too good to be true?


risk-free jpegs, what could go wrong?


â–Ş Today at 1 PM ET: Post Photographic Perspectives III

Links for the Top 25 drops are HERE.

I want a refund


A new app called BLASTR launched “unruggable collections” on Blast, where collectors can get full refunds on any NFT purchases after a lock-up period. 

Our take

No one really does IRL presentations for new crypto products, but if I had to do one for BLASTR I’d start like this: 

Ladies and Gentlemen, the world is in pain.

Exhibit A:

This is Alphaboi69. One of many NFT influencooors today that can’t launch their own NFT collection. 

Why, you ask?

Well, because they generally don’t know how to provide enough utility to make it worth it. So the price drops after mint, which brings about FUD, and ends with them losing their hard-earned reputation. 

Despite having a large audience, Alphaboi69 can’t monetize to his fullest potential. 

That is…until today.

Introducing BLASTR, the first platform that lets you profit from NFTs with zero risk to the collectors and zero FUD from the haters. 

All this, thanks to our latest invention: The Unruggable NFT. 

How it works: 

  1. Creator sells an NFT for X amount 

  2. Someone buys it, and the ETH gets locked for some time 

  3. While locked, the creator earns Blast Gold and Yield

  4. The buyer gets whatever utility was offered during that time 

  5. After the lock-up is over, buyers can get a full refund

  6. Creator made money, and buyers didn’t lose any

Applause erupts…

Bottom line 

That little story should help you understand why NFT accounts with large audiences are launching collections out of nowhere.

So far I’ve seen NFT Stats, Cirrus, Mooncat2878, and Franklin, who is literally selling a collection of his own feet pics (i hate it here). 

For now, most of these seem to be low-risk tickets into a farming pool where creators share their Gold with collectors. The JPEG is an unnecessary accoutrement – just a shiny receipt of your spot in the farm. 

But I’m also seeing signs of interesting future use cases. Particularly a new kind of subscription where buyers “lock up” their money for a year while enjoying a service or utility (like Discord access), then get a full refund at the end, all while the creator earns yield and royalties on the money. 

Still very early but worth watching. 

NOTE: These drops are lightly curated. Our only requirement is that they have recognizable founders. As usual, DYOR. To learn more go here.

Metaverse Punks

This is an upcoming CryptoPunk-inspired Ordinals PFP by Marlon Iglesias, a Mexico-based physical architect turned metaverse architect who built an Instagram audience before entering web3.

Like most Punk derivatives, it attempts to differentiate itself from the original with the art, which in this case is filled with Bitcoin references and country-specific traits.

They don’t break the mold (at all), but you don’t have to look far to find examples of successful Punk derivatives. And ordinal maxis may be drawn to their sub-100k inscription range.


Giancarlo Chaux — @GiancarloChaux

Guillermo Martin — @pikanxiety

Jon Yale — @JonYale

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