This is cringe

Plus, new Snowfro


Today we’re introducing Free Mint Friday, where we highlight a Free Mint (good or bad).

It’s a new segment.

One we might never do again.

Technically this could be a 1-of-1, if you will.

And you were here when it happened.

Links for the Top 25 drops are HERE.

This is cringe

Are you yearning for classic 2021-style whitelist grindfests? 

Do you miss the days of joining Discord and “gm-ing” your way to a hollow airdrop? 

Step back in time with… The FIAT Pass. 

That’s right, FIAT is now handing out vague art passes for the low low price of FREE. 

All you have to do is like all their posts, have soulless conversations in Discord, and sing the FIATIAN pledge of allegiance before screaming yourself to sleep every night. 

Don’t worry that this is a “mass-scale” airdrop that's likely being botted, and that hasn’t been promoted once by the official FIAT account. 

Just know that you’re in good hands when it comes to FIAT (or in this case whoever web3audience[dot]io is since they’re apparently running the show). 

(marketing materials made by me, although you wouldn’t be able tell the difference) 

Bottom line 

Being serious: this popped up on my timeline yesterday because [major brand] + [free airdrop] is the fastest way to go viral these days.

Of course, it’s still very possible that they put together a legit art pass. In fact I hope they do.

And at least they’re working with a real platform like Prohibition to search for artists.

But I’m not jumping through these hoops to find out.

I give FIAT’s mint strategy three Z emojis, a first for this storied publication.

💤 💤 💤

NOTE: These drops are lightly curated. Our only requirement is that they have recognizable founders. As usual, DYOR. To learn more go here.


Contemporary and generative art appreciators take note: this upcoming VerticalCrypto Art exhibition might strike a chord with you.

It’ll feature artists you probably already know from other platforms, like Fingacode, Shunsuke Takawo, OONA and William Watkins dropping larger supply collections, and Anna Beller and Licia He releasing more exclusive pieces.

Naïve by Olga Fradina

Market attention recently has flocked to Art Blocks after the success of Trichro-matic (covered here), which has seen 1,000+ ETH in traded volume since minting last week.

To follow that up, the generative art platform senpai has chosen Naïve as their next Curated release: a colorful 300-supply collection by Ukranian artist Olga Fradina.

She’s been releasing work on platforms like fxhash and Foundation for over a year, and this will mark her Art Blocks debut. It’s an aesthetically pleasing one, where accentuated brushstrokes drift into place to form artworks that easily pass the “wall test” for me.

Added to Top 25

Avant Arte Drop by Snowfro

After four consecutive sellouts for their limited artist collaborations and over $1.4M in sales through their CryptoPunks and Ringers open editions, I think we can confidently say Avant Arte has been one of the biggest art platform winners this year. Oh, and all that happened in the second half of the year.

What better way to close off a banger year than with a banger collab featuring arguably the most influential web3 artist ever?

Snowfro has no shortage of art out in the market, but we've seen time and time again that people still yearn for more. To top it off, this will be focused on Squiggles, the most traded NFT art collection of all time. Need I say more?

Added to Top 25


Giancarlo Chaux@GiancarloChaux

Guillermo Martin@pikanxiety

Jon Yale @JonYale

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