Why can’t more NFTs be like this one?

Plus, affordable drop from a hot BTC artist


Friendly reminder to keep NFTs weird af

In today’s edition:

  • Why can’t more NFTs be like this one?

  • Your new Top 25

  • 3 new drops

Links for the Top 25 drops are HERE.

Did you know?

We have a premium pass that gives you access to a directory of every drop we cover, complete with detailed information on how to get on every whitelist (including those underrated ones that aren’t already full).

And for those curatooors out there, you can get free NFTs just by finding drops that end up on the Mint or Watch list.

Lastly, hang with me and the MoS team in a private discord with weekly voice chats. The vibes are great.

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Why can’t more mints be like this one?

Think about what we’re actually buying in this space:

Magical Internet JPEGs. Make-Believe Talismans. Digital artifacts. Whozits and whatzits galore.

Sure, there are many examples of Super Serious Art For Tax Paying Adults, but more often than not we’re dealing with productized memes and silly onchain experiences.

This should be fun!

But then why are most mints so boring?

Why, out of the infinite possibilities that the internet can provide, do most creators opt for this traditional point-and-click purchase flow:

> show up on a mint page

> connect wallet

> select amount you want to buy

> click buy

> NFT appears in your wallet


Are we just recreating Web2 ecommerce here? Is “frictionless user experience” what we should be optimizing for when we’re selling, like, Dynamic Exploding Pepe Gifs?

Why can’t more mint experiences be like SACRA FAMiGLiA?

This is an upcoming AI art collection by Ann Hirsh minting on 9/29 (tomorrow) for 0.1 ETH.

It’s 40 AI family photos that range from “slightly-surreal” to “wtf is that” level of creepiness.

And while the art is interesting in its own right, the real standout here is the web experience.

Ann created a virtual house tour where you can explore different rooms and view the NFTs scattered throughout in different contexts.

It gets weirder the deeper you travel, and you’re accompanied by a spooky ASMR voiceover the entire way.

Apparently, there’ll also be some light game theory on mint day, where you’ll have a choice between going for a specific NFT or a random shuffle.

There’s nothing mind-blowingly complex about this, but it does have an emotional impact (at least it did for me). And it’s memories like these that will make certain NFTs jump out when you’re looking back at your collection years from now.

It also just makes me realize how incredibly bland most other mints are – even those with 100x the hype and 100x the sales.

So shout out to smaller artists who go above and beyond and run circles around many of these VC-backed drops.

NOTE: These drops are lightly curated. Our only requirement is that they have recognizable founders. As usual, DYOR. To learn more go here.

Antimatter Containment System by Nullish

Pseudonymous artist Nullish, an onchain tinkerer known for his recent Bitcoin work (including a collaboration with OMB), just announced an affordable art drop on bitcoin.

The work showcases his continued cosmic focus with 299 prints releasing on Gamma.io. Despite the name Prints, these are not physicals (confusing nomenclature tbh). They’re actually digital editions that utilize recursion.

This is one of the most in-demand Ordinals artists at a very attractive price.

Added to Top 25

Tigerbob 1st Anniversary

The first of two drops in today’s edition featuring code from ubiquitous studio Transient Labs.

They’re collaborating with Tigerbob, an art and fashion brand from artist Gossamer Rozen (a.k.a. grelysian) for a release that celebrates the brand’s genesis collection minted in May 2022. The 13 colorful editions will add up to a total of 936 to 1,079 supply.

For cat and illustration lovers.

The Suburbs by Hayden Clay

Artist Hayden Clay will soon release a collection with the help of Transient as well.

Almost nothing has been revealed for this one, but I expect Clay’s warm and surreal 3D art to take center stage.


Giancarlo Chaux@GiancarloChaux

Guillermo Martin@pikanxiety

Jon Yale @JonYale

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